Zy Baig
Founder & President


"As we are bound more tightly together through the Web of Global Commerce and the new communication technologies;
at the same time the world seems to be more fragmented than ever.

"We live in an age of extreme contradictions. On one side there is remarkable research and development. The planet and some of
its people are moving forward at an extraordinary pace. On the other side a vast majority of the population of the planet is
suffering. The planet's greatest asset, its children are suffering in millions on every continent.

"Natural and man-made disasters have brought our Planet to the edge of social and ecological crisis.

"To this day I am haunted by the sight of this one injured, stunned, newly orphaned 3 year old little boy sitting quietly on a piece
of driftwood clutching a small toy; on the exact spot where he used to live with his entire family, now all victims of the Tsunami.
He was sitting there because of a thing called "location memory." According to medical experts when a child suffers trauma, they
feel like their whole existence has ended. Multiply this child by hundreds of thousands, and one begins
to get an idea of the damage to young children around the world.

"I knew I could not live a life of creating illusions to sell and market more and more products, while the children were dying every
5 seconds. The ones left living were being pushed into emotional and mental desolation due to trauma & tragic loss.

The planet itself is suffering. Its precious Rainforests are being mowed down every second. We have lists upon lists of endangered
species. This immeasurable loss to life's genetic pool must concern our collective consciousness. Rainforests are treasures of the
planet that transcend national boundaries.

"The time had come to create an innovative new organization to become a force for recovery and a new global consciousness.

"Teens Beyond Boundaries began to take shape in my mind. When I was the Worldwide Director of Advertising for Michael Jordans'
Fragrance line, I had conducted several "Focus Groups" with teenagers (sixteen to nineteen years old). I was amazed by their
acumen and intelligence. They quickly got to the heart of the issue in every instance, and came up with several viable solutions.
Surprisingly much more so than the older groups of young adults.

"I gathered a group of Teen Leaders in California, and presented my vision to them. Their response was phenomenal. They
immediately volunteered. My Leadership Teens and I are now in the process of creating a new chapter as a non-profit that truly
represents the 21st Century.

"All the knowledge I have gained from 20 years of advertising, marketing & building global Brands is now being channeled into
building the first Teen Run Global Non-Profit Brand. We will use all the techniques applied by the business world to create a
powerful, successful global organization.

"Teenagers dictate practically every new trend in the world. Last year in the U.S. alone, they influenced purchases worth 300
billion dollars. Now they have their own non-profit to channel their energies into building a better world for everyone. They are
already calling Teens Beyond Boundaries, 'Teen Power at Work!'

"The Leadership Teens will ensure participation at the local, regional & global level. Through teen-to-teen diplomacy these children
of the world will begin to bridge the social, communication & information gap between teens from around the world, while working
together towards a common purpose.

"In the process they will get to know and appreciate one another. Learn about each others cultures and various issues that they
face around the world. As friends, and as Future Leaders they can help build a better world."

Leadership Teens:

"I firmly believe that if teens take an adamant stand on healing damaged children and preserving the beauty of nature...future
generations will honor it!"
Alex Akers - Age 17

"As teenagers, I feel it is our obligation to society to set a good precedent for the growing youth. After all we are the future."

"Once the word gets out about what Teens Beyond Boundaries is all about, more and more teens around the world will jump on
the bandwagon...and adults may even form a different opinion about our generation."
Imaad Khan - Age 17

"By really taking action & being pro active through Teens Beyond Boundaries, we will change things for the better. It is our future,
we have to try and protect it."
Rachel Hirsch - Age 17

"As people who live on this earth, we must do all that is necessary to protect it, and its inhabitants."

"The branches of Teens Beyond Boundaries will reach out and touch the suffering children and rainforests of the world."

"Please help us in our efforts."
Samantha Morgenstern - Age 17

Respectfully submitted

Zy Baig
Founder, President
Teens Beyond Boundaries