Leadership teens from around the world are coming together to create
Teens Beyond Boundaries
An innovative non-profit Global Brand.

"We will help heal damaged children and the damaged planet.
Global conditions have compelled us to take action.
It is our future, we have to try and protect it.
We are mobilizing teens on every continent.
A true partnership of the new millennium.
We are one planet, one people."

Power to heal



Our Network of Leadership Teens has three main objectives.


To help develop and execute
programs related to:

  1. Helping to protect the endangered
    Natural Resources of the Planet.
  2. Whenever possible helping innocent
    children in need.

Build a Teen Volunteer Task Force.


While working together as a Network;
communicate and learn about each other,
our various cultures, and issues facing us
all around the world.

As friends and future leaders we can help
build a better today, and an even better
future for our Planet.

Our Programs are implemented Locally and Regionally. Our scope of influence is Global.

What you can do Videos




Life By Art

To Help Children

The most innocent and vulnerable
inhabitants of our Planet are the children.

The World Health Organization (WHO).
has issued an emergency alert stating that
millions of children are suffering on every

If left unhealed the world will face
unforeseen challenges in the future.


Plant Planet Earth

To Protect the Environment

The most effective way of reducing
carbon & greenhouse gasses in the
atmosphere, and reducing global
, is to stop tropical

This is something we can all work on
immediately, while we wait for science
to come up with Clean Energy Sources.

Fact: Burning of Rain Forests causes
more carbon dioxide than all the cars, trucks
and planes combined in the World!!

Plus, our forests are necessary for our existence
on the Planet. They give us oxygen to breathe,
fresh drinking water & balance the Earth’s

Teens Beyond Boundaries

Teen Volunteer Task Force

As a Group we can accomplish a
great deal. As a Force of Teen Volunteers
we are there in every Community
to be extra helping hands for other



What you can do:

  1. Become a member of the Teens Beyond Boundaries Volunteer force.
  2. Apply to become a Leadership Teen.
  3. Create a Teens Beyond Boundaries Chapter in your area.
  4. Donate  -   Or bring a group of your friends together and help raise money for our programs.   Together we can change the world!
  5. Spread the word about Teens Beyond Boundaries.


Choco Rain Forest


A part of the Amazon Jungle. The Choco
Biogeographical Region in Ecuador and Columbia,
South America is a Global Conservation Priority!

It is a “Hot Spot”! It is simultaneously one of the
most biologically diverse, most threatened, and
least protected areas in the world.

It has bird, animal and plant species that do not exist
anywhere else in the world.

Homeless Children in the U.S.

We have millions of young children who are homeless.
Many of them are abused and neglected.

Homeless Teenagers are abandoned, they suffer
great emotional trauma, and are even turned
away from most Homeless Shelters.


  1. Teens Beyond Boundaries
    Public Service Announcement commercial
    For All Teens
    1:45 sec.
  2. Teens Beyond Boundaries
    For Our Parents and All Adults
    1:45 sec.
  3. Original Teen Interviews
  4. Original Flash Intro 
    flash intro
    All Illustrations of Outer Space
    Courtesy of Ron Russell
    All Rights Reserved
    Developed by: Henry Colchado